Festival Magazines Online


Both festival magazines are ready for download now: They provide a quick overview of all exhibitions, event programme, speakers and some other useful information, i.e. loations etc. Read Festival Magazine A4 online Download Festival Magazin (A4 PDF, 96 pages 8 MB) Read Berlin Calling Magazine online Download Magazin Berlin Calling Exhibitions (A5 PDF, 64 pages, 3 MB) Check them out and get ready for the Grand Opening June 13, 7 pm at STATION,…

New Road

© George Georgiou

Having lived in Turkey between 2003 to 2008 and produced the book, Fault Lines/Turkey/East/West looking at contemporary Turkey, I already had a clear idea of the issues and contradictions at play in todays Turkey. Fault Lines, coincided and focused on the dynamic changes taking place during my time in Turkey, landscapes, towns, and cities were being reshaped, an extensive road network was under construction, town centres “beautified,” and large …


Press material Download Festival Magazine A4 PDF ( 8 MB) Download Berlin Calling Magazine A5 PDF (3 MB) Press release festival calls 24-4-2013 On request we can send you press material as well as images of the different exhibitions.  Furthermore we can arrange interviews with complying festival participants. Registration and accreditation Media representatives that would like to write about the festival and thus gain access for free have to …

AFP at Berlin Fotofestival


2013 Pulitzer Prize – Feature Photography / 2013 World Press Photo Spot News, 3d Prize Stories, Two Syrian rebels take sniper positions at the neighbourhood of Karmal Jabl in central Aleppo, October 18, 2012., © AFP /JAVIER MANZANO The International News Agency AFP shows the work of its awards winning photographers in an exhibition during the 2013 Berlin Fotofestival THE BROWSE. The AFP Photo service produces up to 3,000 new images per da…

AFP – The Best Of 2012


This photo made by Italian free-lance photographer Fabio Bucciarelli, on duty for AFP in Syria, was awarded in 2013 the Robert CAPA Gold Medal, the 2nd Prize of World Press Photo Spot News Stories, and 2nd place of the Picture Of The Year International (POYi) – News Picture Story. The international news agency AFP produces up to 3000 new images per day in politics, conflicts, sport, fashion etc. Every year AFP photographers are awarded prizes …

Converge & Converse: Black.Light Project


New Media requires new forms of coverage. Berlin Fotofestival – THE BROWSE faces this reality and provides a platform for unconventional (multimedia) projects. We are glad to announce the presentation of the Black.Light Project, which will be included in the festival again as a part of this new platform, “Converge & Converse.” For ten years Pedro Rosa Mendes (writer) and Wolf Böwig (photographer) traveled the region to document t…

Christopher Morris

Christopher Morris

Christopher Morris, based in Paris, was born in California in 1958 and began his career as a documentary conflict photographer working almost exclusively for TIME Magazine, where he has been on contract since 1990. He has been credited with redefining political coverage in America during his years working at the White House for TIME Magazine from 2000 till 2009. Simultaneously to his career as a photojournalist, Morris has expanded his work into…

Time in Turkey

© Paolo Pellegrin

attended the Turkish Olympiads from all over the world, while Ami Vitale portrayed the other side of Kapadokya (Cappadocia). The guidelines of the project were determined at the beginning. The photographs were supposed to be free of an orientalist viewpoint and preconceived notions of Turkish culture, and they were not to be taken from a touristic approach. Our aim was to tell something new instead of repeating clichĂ©s. The people who could do i…


For general information requests: info@berlin-fotofestival.de For questios regarding Berlin Calling – Mobile Photography Award: berlincalling@berlin-fotofestival.de Company participation in the Professional Week: cooperation@berlin-fotofestival.de Press contact:presse@berlin-fotofestival.de Website: www.berlin-fotofestival.de Facebook Fanpage: www.facebook.com/berlinfotofestival …

Jeroen Kummer

© Martijn Gijsbertsen

on of Dutch Designers (2011-) Kummer & Herrman is an office for graphic design founded in 1998 by Jeroen Kummer and Arthur Herrman. Since the start hey gathered around them a team of professionals who share their love for top-notch projects for a wide range of international clients. Currently K&H are an office of six. K&H are not attached to a specific medium. They grew up with print, but living in a rapidly changing world, projects o…

dpa – at the festival with an exhibition and Bernd von Jutrczenka

1. Platz PortrÀts - Christian Charisius: "Schattenspiel: Altbundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt (SPD) nimmt in Hamburg an einer Zeremonie zur Umbenennung des Botanischen Gartens im Loki-Schmidt-Garten teil."  © obs/dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH

ry, is one of the first supporters of THE BROWSE – FOTOFESTIVAL. At a panel on the 16th he will talk with other editors in chief of other agencies about the strategies and challenges news agencies and photographers have to face because new mobile technologies are invented. dpa press release for the contest “Bilder des Jahres 2012/ pictures of the year 2012″ www.dpa.com

Portfolio Viewings

Photographers have thewonderful  opportunity to present their pictures/stories to acclaimed photographer colleagues and high level editors of news agencies and  magazines,  who will give feedback on their work. Viewings will be offered for free, only a festival ticket is required. REVIEWER Anna Shpakova, Curator, Picture Editor, Director of Photography, Agency RIA Novosti Bernd von Jutrczenka, Member of Editorial Management and Director of Photo…

Berlin Workshop w/ Franco Pagetti and Anton Kusters

Berlin Workshop

                  Thursday 13 june, @ BW Studio h 14:00/18.30: Masterclass h 19.30: Open lecture (free entrance) with our teachers and Severin Matusek, EyeEm‘s Head of Content & Community; welcome cocktail with Mulax h 23.30: Open air slideshow of “Yakuza” with Anton Kusters @ Kater Holzig !!! free entrance before h 23.00. After h 23.00: 10 € Friday 14 june h 10.00/19.00: Masterclass Saturday 15 j…

Under Water

copyright by Samuel Bollendorff

Water management is one of the oldest and most entrenched issues in southeast Turkey. So much so that every new government for the past 40 years has worked on a range of dam and irrigation projects, all with the objective of solving this problem. No one can deny that there have been great advances as a result of these projects. People living in remote provinces have slowly begun to gain access to and use modern resources to update their irrigati…

Berlin Calling


How to participate: 1. Read the Terms And Conditions 2. Buy an award entry ticket 3. Send 5 images of a sequence of your choice to the following mail address: berlincalling@berlin-fotofestival.de 4. You have convinced the jury and win Your pictures will be exhibited alongside with images from Doctors without Borders’ chief photo editor Bruno de Cock and Berlinstagram creator Michael Schulz. 7-5-2013 Berlin Calling – Participatio…

Why Mister, Why? – 10 years of war in Iraq

Long before mobile photography became a hype, standard of use for millions and a controversy in discourse on photojournalism and iphone photography, van Kesteren collected and published handy photos which Iraqi refugees  had obtained from friends and family staying behind, living their day-to-day lives in war torn Iraq. By giving sych prominence to ordinary pictures by Iraqi people and publishing them alongside with his own images in “Bagh…


Nathan Bedford Forrest

A cross-lighting ceremony that took place near Tupelo, Mississippi, in late March following a Ku Klux Klan rally in Memphis, Tennessee, that was organized to protest the renaming of three parks in the city built in honor of the Confederacy. It is a “cross lighting,” not “cross burning,” because these Klansmen “do not burn, but light the cross to signify that Christ is the light of the world.” Photo by Robert King. In late March editor-in-chief o…

pho[to-Be]rlin Workshop w/ Jocelyn Bain Hogg

photo berlin workshop

ace on 20-23 June and during the same days Berlin will host two of the Summer biggest events: FĂȘte de la musique (21 June) and Christopher Street Day (22 June). An Open Lecture lead by the Master photographer will be offered free to the audience on the 20th of June at 7pm at The Wye, an international art house in the heart of Kreuzberg. More details:  http://www.photo-berlin.org/jocelyn-bain-hogg/ info@photo-berlin.org +49 177 56 68 753 …

War Photo



dpa – Pictures of the Year 2012

1. Platz PortrÀts - Christian Charisius: "Schattenspiel: Altbundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt (SPD) nimmt in Hamburg an einer Zeremonie zur Umbenennung des Botanischen Gartens im Loki-Schmidt-Garten teil."  © obs/dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH

1. Prize Portraits – Christian Charisius: “Shadow Play: Former Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt (SPD) takes part in a ceremony in Hamburg for renaming Botanischer Garten to Loki-Schmidt-Garden.”  © obs/dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH Great pleasure, vast sorrow, excitement, and thoughfulness. „dpa Pictures of the Year 2012“ call special moments of an many-faceted year to mind. 18 very special pictures of their photographers Deutsc…

Rollander Hof


ROLLANDER HOF Weinausschank Berlin-Kreuzberg Marheineke Markthalle – At the gallery Marheinekeplatz 15 10961 Berlin 015738696689 Opening Hours: Mo – Fr 09.00 – 20.00 Uhr Sa 09.00 – 18.00 Uhr www.facebook.com/rollanderhofweinausschankberlin …

Broken Lights

@1995 Emmanuel Ortiz.
A Bosniak soldier cries after arriving to his home village, 3 years early he had hid in the forest and watched his family and the rest of the village executed by Bosnian Serb forces.

A Bosniak soldier cries after arriving to his home village, 3 years early he had hid in the forest and watched his family and the rest of the village executed by Bosnian Serb forces. @1995 Emmanuel Ortiz “Broken Lights” is a journey through the wars that broke the republics, broke the communities and broke the people of the former Yugoslavia. Emmanuel Ortiz starts in Croatia visiting the frontlines in eastern Slavonija and the besieg…

Yasser Alhaji

tball coach for 5 years at Suffolk college located in Long Island NY. Yasser returned to Syria from Greece once the Revolution for independence took hold in his country in order to work as a media activist. As a member of the Free Syrian media organization Yasser has aided many western journalist in their reporting.  Yasser has worked closely with Robert King and with numerous other reporters from the New York Times, BBC, Vice Media, RTL, La Figg…

From War & Politics to Fashion

Christopher Morris Haute Couture, Spring, Summer, 2013, Dior

the ugliness of war and the blind nationalism of politics. Falling into the fashion world by chance, when an editor, from the Italian Fashion magazine AMICA, discovered my political work.  With them commissioning me at first to document the Ralph Lauren store in New York, for they loved the way I documented Republican America in my first book “My America”, Steidl 2006. The real difficulty in Fashion is that it’s the complete opposite of journal…


© Michael Schulz Berlinstagram

Berlinstagram is the private iPhone project by Michael Schulz. With over 2000 iPhone pictures of Berlin over the last 2 years and about 90.000 followers, Berlinstagram is a shooting star in the iPhone Foto Community weltweit and a declaration of love to the city of Berlin. A small selection of 20 images will be exhibited at The Browse Gallery June 13th to July 13th 2013, together with 1 image of each of the 40 selected series of the Mobile Photo…

101 Billionaires

Foto: Rob Hornstra

Title: Aleksander Zelekson, Nizhny Novgorod, RUSSIA, 2007  © Rob Hornstra / courtesy Flatland Gallery NL | Paris Under Vladimir Putin’s rule, Russia has reclaimed its position among the superpowers of the world in the past eight years, the economic recession and the tumultuous nineties seemingly all but forgotten. Thanks to the country’s huge abundance of raw materials such oil and natural gas, the Russian economy is flourishing as never before…

Michael Schulz

Michael Schulz

d and overwhelming amount of attention from different media outlets. Berlin, as a place of yearning, is the visual marker of his photos. It is more the city than its people that serves as their main element. Viewers are drawn to his fascinating point of view of the usual and common.   …

Dirk-Martin Heinzelmann

Fotofestival Berlin

Dirk-Martin Heinzelmann was born in 1969 in Stuttgart. He studied history and film. Always on search for unusual places, meeting people: his viewfinder-camera at reach. It fascinates him to discover about mankind’s linking elements. Seeking for convictions and belief in the sight of worshipers, their connectivity to landscapes of spiritual ministry. …


Photo Berlin Logo

pho[to-Be]rlin is a new photographic project based on the city of Berlin. The project consists both of a series of in-depth workshops on a number of issues related to the city and of open lectures held by award-winning international photo-reporters, the output will contribute to an on-going contemporary documentation of Berlin and its stories. www.photo-berlin.org …

pho[to be]rlin project presentation


pho[to-Be]rlin is a new photographic project based on the city of Berlin. The project consists both of a series of in-depth workshops on a number of issues related to the city and of open lectures held by award-winning international photo-reporters, the output will contribute to an on-going contemporary documentation of Berlin and its stories. The presentation entails a short video with work from previous workshops and ifo regards the upcoming w…

Christopher Morris – Learning to see

Screen shot 2013-03-06 at 12.41.12 PM

“Learning to See”  Deconstructing photography, to have a better understanding on what makes it a successful photograph that will stand the test of time. One of the main goals of the workshop ,  will  be to expose the group to what I feel are the common mistakes that many working photographers are making today.   While also highlighting the successes of what makes a good photograph. This is a process that is both extremely helpful to photographer…

WallOnWall – 1100mÂČ Walls From All over the World on the Westside of the East Side Gallery


On a total length of 364 meters photographer Kai Wiedenhöfer is going to show 36 9×3 meter tall panoramas of separation and border walls from eight different regions of the world on the backside of the famous East Side Gallery near river Spree. Since 2006 Wiedenhöfer took pictures at eight different regions: in Baghdad, between North and South Korea, on Cyprus, between the USA and Mexico, between Spain and Morocco, around the Palestine area…

Berlin Fotofestival 2013 – The Browse, coming June 13th – July 13th

Relaunch of this website is on its way to announce Berlin Fotofestival 2013 – The Browse. For reference of program 2012 Download festival magazine 2012 The festival 2013 will feature international photo exhibitions from world leading photographers and upcoming talents. Competions and Awards. A professional week program which analyses and discusses the photo and media industry revolution around the phenomena of the “connected camera&…

Multimedia Perspectives on the Iraq War: Geert van Kesteren at the Festival

© Geert van Kesteren

© Geert van Kesteren, Screenshot of the iApp “Why Mister, Why?” //   Geert van Kesteren has shown an innovative and inspiring use of new technology to tell his story of war in Iraq from different angles and perspectives, also shifting his role as a photographer and classical author to a facilitator or editor, putting oridnary people’s views and images at the center of attention. There is a lot to learn for possibilities and rol…

Time to be cross?

Discussion with Robert King, Franco Pagetti, Rocco Castoro et al

The future of photo journalism is multi media – Good Practice Short Screenings: Clips of the winners of World Press Photo Multimedia Contests of the last 3 years and „Triple Hate“, part 1 of the video series produced by VICE Media & Robert King Subsequently: Discussion about new forms of visual story telling in documentary and conflict photography, how the interests of younger audiences are being met, what new opportunities for photojournali…

Robert King: Video-Workshop for 21st century photojournalists

Robert King

Robert King is an award winning photojournalist who has worked all over the world. His pictures and stories have been published in just about all leading global publications from The New York Times to LIFE, Guardian to Paris Match etc. Recently Robert has taken up the video camera in addition to his work as a photographer to send his visual documentation of the Syrian war front via CNN, VICE or other TV networks back home to the US and the Weste…

DEMOKRATIA, The Way of the Cross

Film Screening An intimate portrait of Greek politics, in a time of crisis. Last May’s elections was a historical moment for Greece and a real challenge to democracy. For the first time in 40 years, the two biggest parties, PASOK and New Democracy were losing votes, while Golden Dawn, the fascist party, was securing the 3% threshold needed in order to get elected into parliament. This observational documentary follows four candidates, (soc…

Calls & Awards

t price (3000€). Winners were announced on June 15th 2013 at the festival AWARD Ceremony.     DISCOVER UNCOVERED BERLIN FOTOFESTIVAL 2013 – THE BROWSE is looking for 10 unpublished photo documentary stories to be exhibited during the festival at STATION Berlin, 13. – 18.6.2013. Due to budget restrictions – we do the whole festival without any major public funding or big sums of money through sponsoring – you w…

Kathryn Cook

kathryn cook (1)

American. Lives in Turkey and Italy. Kathryn CooK grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and graduated from the Colorado University at Boulder in December 2001. Her professional career began with the Associated Press in Panama in 2003, but she left the agency in 2005 to pursue personal projects and do freelance work in Latin America. In September 2006, she moved to Istanbul and has since lived in both Rome, Italy, and Turkey. Her work has been publ…

Robert King

Robert King

Robert King, native of Memphis, Tennessee is an award winning photojournalist with no formal education in field of journalism. After his introduction in 2012 Berlin Fotofestival 2013 The Browse is honored to host him and his work for the second time around. Robert King is former art student with a Bauhaus foundation who graduated with honors from Pratt Institute located in Brooklyn, New York. He has worked around the wold for leading publication…

Casualties of an Economic War

CYPRUS, Nicosia : People queue up outside a Laiki bank branch in the Cypriot capital, Nicosia, on March 28, 2013, as they wait for the bank to open after an unprecedented 12-day lockdown. Queues of dozens of people formed before the doors swung open at 12:00pm (1000 GMT) for the first time since March 16, and there were tensions as a few branches opened late, with customers banging on the doors

CYPRUS, Nicosia : People queue up outside a Laiki bank branch in the Cypriot capital, Nicosia, on March 28, 2013, as they wait for the bank to open after an unprecedented 12-day lockdown. Queues of dozens of people formed before the doors swung open at 12:00pm (1000 GMT) for the first time since March 16, and there were tensions as a few branches opened late, with customers banging on the doors In March 2013, Cyprus, the small island country in …


…HAT FASHIONS STATION Berlin is a place for fashion (PREMIUM / Fashion Week), where Berlin presents itself as a young city of this industry. This little exhibition works as a spotlight on photographers and pictures that are an example for fashion photography aside the mainstream and its aesthetic standards. With works by:Christopher Morris and Michael Russ, at the STATION Berlin SPOTLIGHT BERLIN – Exhibitions by selected Berlin based photographe…

Edith Siepmann

Edith Siepmann

Edith Siepmann lives in Berlin-Kreuzberg. She’s an agent for childrens literature and wroks as well as a travel journalist and photographer. In the 80s and 90s she took analogue black and white pictures of cities and people. In the new millenium digital coloured sequences of symbols, details and nature followed. the mobile photography fascinates her because of its omnipresence and automated aesthetics. Is A photo is just a photo, as time g…

Sea of Men

© carolyn drake

day of shooting in the amateur fields on the edges of the Bosphorus. It felt like beginning another story. The fiendishness and zealotry that surrounded the professional games was gone. This was a much needed escape from the cramped rooms and chaotic streets of an overbearing city, a chance to run in the wind, move your body, sweat, play, breath. I wanted to drop the camera and race with these guys instead of puttering around on the sidelines, w…


The 40 exhibitions of “Berlin Calling” are to be seen  for free at multiple locations in the so called Bergmann Kiez in Kreuzberg, Berlin. For visting exhibitions and events during the Professional Week (13th -18th of June 2013) at the STATION Berlin and for the Evening Screenings in the courtyard of the Global Music Academy at the Bergmannstr in Kreuzberg you need to buy a ticket. The purchase of a festival entrance ticket makes you…

Ground Zero – Syria

nikos disccussion pagetti robert800

anco Pagetti`s recent photo work on Syria. He is telling the Syrian situation through pictures and videos of the streets of Aleppo, devastated by war, and of the veils spread out between buildings acting as shields to obscure Free Syrian Army soldiers from the view of Bashar al-Assad’s security force snipers. Before the war, these sheets served a very different purpose as residents used them for privacy or to protect their homes from harsh …

Festival Highlight WALL ON WALL – Opening 10. July


of the Berlin Wall will be plastered by Wiedenhöfer’s wall photography on the Westside of the Eastside Gallery. The spectacular open-air exhibition will be on display from July 10th to September 13th at the river Spree, free of charge. Speakers at the opening: Franz Schulz, mayor of Berlin district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Wolfgang Lenk, member of the Commission for Culture and Education of the district’s parliament. Come by and j…

Events 16.6.2013

sch on the development of the longt-term  documentation project, with Kai Wiedenhöfer und Fred Kowasch ——————- Local media activists in war and conflict – Northern Ireland yesterday / Syria today 16:00Uhr, STATION Berlin, Luckenwalderstr. 4-6, U-Bhf Gleisdreieck with: Julie Doherty , Geraldine Norby, Jim Collins, Fotograf/innen des Camerawork Darkroom (Derry, Nordirland), Nils Metzger (Zenith – Zeitschrif…

Rocco Castoro

Rocco Castoro

Rocco Castoro misspent his youth in Sarasota, Florida, famous for being the place where Pee Wee Herman was arrested for masturbating in a movie theater and also where George Bush was holed up during 9/11. In the past six months his work has required him to spend ample time with international diamond thieves, John McAfee (along with Robert King), the Ku Klux Klan, the Crips, Snoop Dogg, and a bunch of other weirdos. He is also the editor-in-chief…

Berlin Workshop Masterclass w/ Franco Pagetti and Anton Kusters

Berlin Workshop

Our partner Berlin Workshop offers an exciting workshop throughout the festival. Renowned photographers Franco Pagetti (VII) and Anton Kusters will share their knowledge between June 13 and 16 at b/w-studio Kreuzberg. There will also be special portfolio viewings with Dario Bonera, DB Agency, Carol Körting, Leica LFI, Diego Orlando, Burn Magazine, and Milena Carstens, Zeit-Magazin, organized by Berlin Workshop. http://www.berlinworkshop.de …

Black.Light Project


For ten years Pedro Rosa Mendes (writer) and Wolf Böwig (photographer) traveled the region to document the West African wars. Their work has been recognized and published in newspapers and publications around the world. Under the label “The Charles Taylor Wars”, an international lineup of illustrators and artists now create a crossover version of the reports, merging illustration, photography and written word. With this media conversion the proj…

BEST-Sabel Design School


The BEST-Sabel Design School in Berlin-Köpenick provides a 3-year training for certified photo designers. Our graduates work as freelancers or employees in the different sections of photographic services. During Berlin Fotofestival an information desk will be located at exhibition hall 6 at STATION Berlin. Portfolio Viewings will be held, too. BEST-Sabel Berufsfachschule fĂŒr Design Fachbereich FOTO Lindenstraße 42 12555 Berlin Please contact: Mr…

Felix Austria

Felix Austria

Felix Austria “Freunde der österreichischen KĂŒche” (Friends of the Austrian cuisine) Bergmannstr. 26, 10961 Berlin, across from the market hall Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday 9-24.00 h Sunday and Holiday 10-24.00 h Tel. 030. 61 67 54 51 www.felixaustria.de …

Salon Halit – Art


Salon Halit – Art Solmsstraße 35 10961 Berlin 030 6933402 www.halit-art.de info@halit-art.de Opening Hours: Mo – Fr 5:30 pm – 8 pm Sa 1 pm – 6 pm & by arrangement …



NOR – not only Riesling Weinhandel – Bar Schleichermacherstraße 25 10961 Berlin – Kreuzberg Tel.: 030 695 388 66 www.not-only-riesling.de   …



Knofi Bergmannstraße 11 10961 Berlin 030 6956 43 59 www.knofi.de Opening Hours: Monday-Sunday 7:00 – 24:00 …



Gesoplan gGmbH Arndtstraße 32 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg 030 6903899 oder 69504427 www.gesoplan.de Opening Hours Do  11:00 – 13:00 Uhr u. 15:00 – 18:00 Uhr Fr   15:00 – 18:00 Uhr …

Da Enzo


Da Enzo Willibald-Alexis-Str. 25 10965 Berlin 030 695 65 320 www.daenzo-berlin.de kontakt@daenzo-berlin.de Opening Hours: Mo – So 6 pm – 12 am …

East London E.K.

east london

Mehringdamm 33 10961 Berlin 030 69 53 32 05 06 www.eastlondon.de info@eastlondon.de Opening Times: Mo – So 10:00 – 23:00 Uhr Do – Fr 09:00 – 23:00 Uhr …

Restaurant Z

Restaurant Z

Restaurant Z Friesenstraße 12 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg 030 6922 716 www.restaurant-z.de Opening Hours: Monday – Saturday  12:00 – 24:00 Uhr …

G wie Goulasch


G WIE GOULASCH Chamissoplatz 1 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg 030 214 666 09 www.g-wie-goulasch.de Opening Hours: Mo – Sa 5 pm – 10 om Sunday: Closed …

Bar Vereinszimmer


Bar Vereinszimmer Kreuzbergstraße 15 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg Daily 08.00 –20.00h www.bar-vereinszimmer.de 030 818 287 50 …

Room & Garden

room and garden

Room & Garden Möbel fĂŒr Innen und Außen Am Tempelhofer Berg 8 10965 Berlin Öffnungszeiten: Mo – Fr 11-19 Uhr Sa 11-17 Uhr www.room-garden.de …


Professional cameras are smaller and cheaper than ever before, and the quality of photographs is always improving. Media is flooded with pictures while the proceeds for photographers have dramatically decreased. At the same time, movements like the Arab Spring have demonstrated that pictures still have the capacity to reach the whole world and spread a cause. Photography still matters. Berlin Fotofestival – The BROWSE works to address these issu…

Christian Jungeblodt


Berlin HIPsta Diary To take pictures with my smartphone has given me a new and instant way of seeing things. The pictures of this series were taken with the “Hipstamatic-App” within two years and represent diaryentries. Pictures of Berlin, my city
 Exhibition at Restaurant Z. Click here for location information. …

The Sochi Project

Ballroom, Pitsunda, ABKHAZIA, 2009 © Rob Hornstra / Courtsey Flatland Gallery NL | Paris

Ballroom, Pitsunda, ABKHAZIA, 2009, © Rob Hornstra / Courtsey Flatland Gallery NL | Paris Mapping a future for photojournalism by Rob Hornstra and Arnold van Bruggen In 2009 dutch author and filmmaker Arnold van Bruggen and the dutch photographer Rob Hornstra started their 5year project on Sochi (Russia). The small city at the Black Sea is the location for the Winter Olympics early  in 2014. The duo wants to document the change the city is goin…

On the road with the iPhone 2

Bruno de Cock

For the second time chief international photo editor of Doctors without Borders Bruno de Cock will exhibit a selection of new iPhone pictures at Browse Fotofestival. 20 of his images will be on display together with 40 images of all the winners of the Berlin Calling Mobile Photo Award and 20 pictures of Michael Schulz Berlinstagram project from June 13th to July 13th 2013 at The Browse Gallery. …

Anja Schröder

anja schröder

Simple Beauty What do you really see? A moment can be special in any kind of way – once you discover the moment, that lets you feel something, stimulates your fantasy or creates something new within us. Beauty can be hidden anywhere. In the dead and alive, in the silence as well as in the noise, within colour and within greyness. Everyone has to define for oneself where to find it. Exhibition at Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Click here fo…

Bernd von Jutrczenka

Bernd von Jutrczenka

Bernd von Jutrczenka started his journalistic career back in 1987 as a freelance photographer in Hanover. After the Fall of the Wall he moved to Magdeburg to work as head of photography in the regional editorial team for daily newspaper BILD. In 1992, he changed to the headquarters in Hamburg. Between 1993 and 1999, von Jutrczenka was head of photography for the nationwide newspaper DIE WELT in Berlin. Afterwards, he became head editor of news a…

Geert van Kesteren

Geert van Kesteren, Foto by Conny Luhulima

universal story about identity and migration, a project in collaboration with his wife, photographer Conny Luhulima in 2011. In 2014 Van Kesteren will launch ‘After the Ceasefires’. A long term project that hopes to find answers to the question why the people of Israel and Palestine no longer allow themselves to dream about living in peace? …

Emmanuel Ortiz

Emmanuel Ortiz

Born in Argentina in 1961, Emmanuel Ortiz moved to France in 1978, he began his career in photography in 1982. In 1984 Emmanuel went to Peru for three years to cover the conflict between Peru’s military government and the Maoist guerrilla movement the “Shining Path” and the Marxist revolutionary group, the MRTA, who clashed with both the Peruvian Government and the Shining Path. During this time Emmanuel also covered the events…

Istanbul’s energy

© harry gruyaert

stanbul. Anyway, that experience is very important for me. Different shapes, colors, unique movements and motions: These all give one inspiration and a completely different sort of excitement. A photographer must always think freely and broadly; that is the only way he or she can capture unique images. What was interesting for me was not just Istanbul’s historical and artistic fabric but that the metropolis worked as a city. I saw interesting sig…

In the Taurus Mountains with the YörĂŒks

© Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt

…th 300 sheep while GĂŒlcan and Yasemin look after the 300 goats that climb the almost vertical face of the mountain. We hear the two girls shouting at them so that they don’t disperse. Under the trees, five Kangal dogs pretend to be asleep. The two following nights, as I sleep under the stars among the goats, I hear the dogs barking at the night’s sounds, walking around the animals that are not enclosed. They are like dreadful bodyguards. The six …

Last Dance of TarlabaĆŸÄ±

© Rena Effendi

A dilapidated neighborhood in the city’s center, TarlabaĆŸÄ± Boulvard runs parallel to Istiklal Prospect, Istanbul’s cosmopolitan artery. If, by walking down Istiklal, you can hear the city’s heartbeat, then Tarlabasi, only 3 minutes away, is its shadow twin, beating with its own irregular rhythm. In spite of its run-down looks and reputation for widespread crime, TarlabaĆŸÄ± is a culturally vibrant neighborhood kaleidoscope – populated by mig…

World Heritage

copyright by Bruno Barbey

I have seen Istanbul in a variety of different seasons. This city is, with its various cultural riches, a full to brimming depot of world heritage. And this characteristic always manages to awaken the desire to shoot photos in me. Istanbul’s residents are very warm and polite. I have never encountered any problems when taking photographs. Compared to people living in the other big cities of the world, Istanbul’s residents have lives less filled …

Olga Kravets

Olga Kravets

Olga Kravets is a documentary photographer (and multimedia- and filmmaker), based in Moscow, Russia. She worked in radio and print before moving on to photography. Her work has appeared in a number of international publications: El Pais Magazine (Spain), Financial Times Deutschland, Helsingin Sanomat (Finland), NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands), Rear View Mirror (Italy), The Globe and Mail (Canada), The New York Times, and The Observer (UK), among o…

Ashura Day

© Reza

le in other cities, the people of my city, Tabriz, were in mourning. In later years, I got to see Ashura activities in not only Iran but other countries. I watched all sorts of religious rituals, and even participated in, for example, a Pagan festival. Just as there were aspects to these that resembled Ashura Day, there were also of course different aspects. And still later, I realized that acts such as beating and whipping oneself, drawing blood…

In the ‘Valley of the Wolves’

© gael turine

In January of 2003, the TV series ‘Kurtlar Vadisi’ (‘Valley of the Wolves’) had just begun to be broadcast. Thanks to its references to the politics, as well action scenes that Turkish viewers had not been much accustomed to in locally produced series, it became very popular. There are many different TV series in Turkey that appeal to all sorts of viewer demographics. There are historical series, political ones, family series, action series and …

Arnold van Bruggen

Arnold van Bruggen

Arnold van Bruggen (1979) is a writer and filmmaker. With his journalistic production agency Prospektor, together with his colleague Eefje Blankevoort, he uses film, photography and text to tell stories that are otherwise overlooked by the media.  In 2001 he published his first major reportage about the presidential elections in Iran. In 2004, the film ‘Amsterdam-Kosovo’, broadcast by IKON, about the dilemmas of humanitarian aid was selected fo…

Michael A. Russ

Michael A. Russ

Michael A. Russ’s avantguardistic approach to photography resulted in his TinTone process, based on black and white film. His “one of a kind” silver gelatine prints are some-times chemically toned/tinted, often masked/solarized and handcolored. New York, Paris, Los Angeles, Hamburg, Munich and Berlin are the most important stations of Russ’s creative input while developing his distinctive form of expressionism. 43 years o…

Satoshi Hosoya

satoshi_hosoya_tokyo tower_no3

Tokyo Tower A new tower, Sky Tree, recently opened in Tokyo and has become the newest sightseeing destination. It has replaced the Tokyo Tower, which has been in the center of the city for more than fifty years. The more Sky Tree is crowded by people, the more Tokyo Tower attracts me. The tower is visible from anywhere in Tokyo. I don’t doubt Tokyo Tower will  keep giving me inspiration more and more in the future. Exhibition at Bezirksamt Fried…

Clara Grivicich


Water Reading With pictures taken in Rio’s historical downtown, between Lapa and CinelĂąndia, this work is a reading of the city through its reflection on water, its places and people that we are used to see in a daily routine. It is from a new perspective, distorting the world and making it a magnificent thing. At the same time, in this vision, the fluidity of the water contrasts with the hardness of concrete, like a dream being swallowed by rea…

Vulovak (Timotiejus Norvila)


“I Like It. What Is It?” This sequence started with a Facebook group, “Daily Shot,” where every member of the group posts a new photo from that day. Before that I thought that a photographer is someone with a strong ability for mathematics. I love the idea that anyone can make pictures today. We will never be out of genres and ideas in photography. That is my message in this series of mobile photography. Exhibition at Bezirksamt Frie…

Oksana Yushko

Oksana Yushko

Oksana Yushko is a freelance photojournalist, based in Moscow, working on projects in the Caucasus, Russia and former Soviet countries. Yushko’s work has been exhibited in major galleries in Russia, also in Tampere Art Museum (Finland), in the Gallery of Leeds (UK), she had a screening at Chiang Mai Documentary Arts Festival (Thailand), at Res Recontres d’Arles (France) and at OjodePez Photomeeting Barcelona (Spain), among others. Yushko w…



© Kai Wiedenhöfer As we know today, the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Berlin Wall and the end of the Eastern bloc was anything but the end of the Wall as a symptom of enmity cast in concrete. To the contrary: old walls remained, new “protection walls” were build. Since 2006, photographer Kai Wiedenhöfer has photographed eight of these border- and separation walls for his project “WALL ON WALL”. A series of panorama pictur…

Max Rantil

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Burmese Days This is a small black and white edit of photographs from Myanmar. The people I’ve met there was incredibly nice and heartwarming. The photos were taken during Christmas and New Year 2012/13. Exhibition at Salon Halit – Art. Click here for location information. …

Nick Jaussi


Some 25 years ago Nick Jaussi saw the light of the day and in early life he used several cameras in an extensive way. The results were mostly not outstanding but having fun was most important. After civil service he traveled a long journy through Latin Amerika with his first reflex camera. With a lot of new impressions he started to think about how to make pictures. Other travellers helped him to learn the technical part of the camera. He had hi…

Hidden Hong Kong

© Kai Löffelbein

© Kai Löffelbein In Hong Kong, one of the world’s wealthiest metropolises, there are around 130,000 people living in cages. While ever more luxury shops open just a few streets away, many inhabitants can no longer afford the increasing rents. To avoid living on the streets, they move into wire cages, apartments subdivided into tiny cubicles or coffin-sized rooms – their entire world reduced to a few square metres, a life shared with strangers. A…

The Global Baby: Our Family, Made In India

© Katja Heinemann

©_Katja Heinemann After unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child for years, Rhonda and Gerry, an American couple, hired a surrogate mother in India. A short documentary for the iPad, this video is part of a feature story package on the phenomenon of outsourcing pregnancies via commercial surrogacy, a booming part of the medical tourism industry in India. The exhibition “The Global Baby: Our Family, Made In India” was selected for Be…

Depleted Uranium – The Silent Genocide?

© Christian Werner

Iraq, Basra, 24 April 2012 – An old woman, Undertaker, wears the linen-wrapped body of a child in the children’s graveyard for burial in Basrah. © Christian Werner During the bombardment of Iraq in 2003 thousand tons of depleted uranium ammunition dropped on cities like Basra and Fallujah and their inhabitants. After the Gulf War, the cancer quota rose, and every day, malformed children are born. The exhibition “Depleted Uraniu…

Inside Geneva Camp


Geneva Camp, Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesch. © Maria Litwa ‘Inside Geneva Camp’ is a multimedia story about three young women who live in Geneva Camp in Dhaka. It’s the largest ghetto-like settlement for the Urdu speaking minority in Bengali speaking nation of Bangladesh. A huge number of this language minority lives here since 40 years. The exhibition “Inside Geneva Camp” was selected for Berlin Fotofestival’s multimedia special “E…

White Gold


Pictore from Texas Blues. © Uwe. H. Martin Multimedia report White Gold investigates the social and environmental effects of cotton production. It is part of the collaborative art and research project World Of Matter. The exhibition “White Gold” was selected for Berlin Fotofestival’s multimedia special “Explore New Media”. …

Grozny: Nine Cities

City of strangers © Olga Kravets

CITY OF NORMALCY (ORDINARY PEOPLE). Women wait to go through a metal detector at one of the entrances to downtown Grozny just before the Victory Day parade on May 9, 2010. Outside the entrance an armoured personal carrier is parked. Grozny, Chechnya, Russia, 2010 , © GROZNY: NINE CITIES / Photography & video by Olga Kravets, Maria Morina, and Oksana Yushko,Ccuration: Anna Shpakova, Music and Multimedia Production Jose Bautista / KanseiSounds…

Open the Shutters – Conflict Photography in Europe and beyond

Kai Wiedenhöfer Berlin wall slabs with graffity

A major part of Berlin Fotofestival 2013 is the transnational project “Open the shutters”, exploring the role of photography in historic and recent conflict situations in Europe and beyond. Together with Partners from Derry Northern Ireland (Nerve Center and City of Culture Company) and Dubrovnik, Croatia (War Photo LTD), festival organizer “Community Impulse Initiative e.V., has developed a multipart common exhibition “B…