Kai Wiedenhöfer
12:00 pm,STATION Berlin, Luckenwalderstr. 4-6, U-Bhf Gleisdreieck
Project presentation “Wall on Wall” – 36 panorama pictures 3 x 9 m on the backside of the East Side Gallery of the Berlin wall – Q & A and Screening of the documentary film  “Borderlands” (43 min. TV film) by Fred Kowasch on the development of the longt-term  documentation project, with Kai Wiedenhöfer und Fred Kowasch

Local media activists in war and conflict – Northern Ireland yesterday / Syria today

16:00Uhr, STATION Berlin, Luckenwalderstr. 4-6, U-Bhf Gleisdreieck
with: Julie Doherty , Geraldine Norby, Jim Collins, Fotograf/innen des Camerawork Darkroom (Derry, Nordirland),
Nils Metzger (Zenith – Zeitschrift für den Orient)


Ground Zero – Syria – the whole world watching – Screening & Panel

20:00 Uhr, Global Music Academy, Bergmannstr. 29, 10961 Berlin

Introduction: Screening of the video “Ground Zero – Syria” (~ 40 Min.) by
Robert King/Prod. VICE.Com  
Subsequently: Talk und Q&A with:

Robert King photographer/videographer/Polaris)
Franco Pagetti (photographer/VII)
Odd Andersen (photographer/AFP)

Moderation: Achim Vogt, Achim Vogt, expert of the Middle East, Friedrich Ebert Foundation