Grozny: Nine Cities – Project Presenation and talk:
Anna Shpakova, Maria Morina, Oksana Yushko, Olga Kravets
13:30Uhr 1:30 pm STATION Berlin, Luckenwalderstr. 4-6, subway Gleisdreieck
Why Mister, Why? iApp presentation – Geert van Kesteren
15:00 Uhr: 3 pm STATION Berlin, Luckenwalderstr. 4-6, subway Gleisdreieck
Conflict Photography in Transition – Talk with:
Geert van Kesteren, Kai Wiedenhöfer, Patrick Baz, Anna Shpakova
Moderated by Guy Degen
16:30 Uhr, STATION Berlin, Luckenwalderstr. 4-6, subway Gleisdreieck
The Connected Camera - Panel on mobile Photography
Panel on the future of mobile photography and photojournalism
with: Thomas Donker, rbb (public radio and television station Berlin/Brandenburg in charge of future projects, Patrick Baz (photographer), Geert van Kesteren (photographer) and Rocco Castoro (editor-in-chief, VICE Media, USA)
Moderation: Andi Kunze (jury member Berlin Calling)
20:00 Uhr, / 8 pm Gloabl Music Academy, Bergmannstr. 29, 10961 Berlin, U-Bhf Gneisenaustr.
Berlin Fotogfestiavl AWARD Ceremony, Berlin Calling Mobile Photo Award
with Dr. Franz Schulz (mayor of Friedrichsahain-Kreuzberg), donors and jury members of the Berlin calling Photo Contest
21:00 Uhr /21.15 Gloabl Music Academy, Bergmannstr. 29, 10961 Berlin, U-Bhf Gneisenaustr.